- Neko-Bot JDA (@IAmTails)
Command Example!
This is a command which echoes the input of the user if their sentence begins with the bot's prefix and echo
, repeat
or copy
If the input was bot, echo hello!
the output would be hello!
(If the prefix was bot,
import com.github.rainestormee.jdacommand.AbstractCommand;
import com.github.rainestormee.jdacommand.CommandAttribute;
import com.github.rainestormee.jdacommand.CommandDescription;
import net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Message;
name = "echo",
triggers = {"echo", "repeat", "copy"},
description = "This command echoes what you say!",
attributes = {@CommandAttribute(key = "args", value = "1")}
public class HelpCommand implements AbstractCommand<Message> {
public void execute(Message message, String args) {
The current promoted version is 1.1.3
<!--Dependency for JDA-Command-->
repositories {
//Make sure this repository is last.
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
//JDA-Command dependency
compile 'com.github.rainestormee:JDA-Command:1.1.3'