
Small, powerful and lightweight command library for JDA.
This command library was built to help people make amazing bots within JDA!
It uses maven for dependency management because I am an XML fangirl,
but I also find gradle cool and use it for some projects.
Thank you for the amazing people at JDA for inspiring the creation of this library,
go and check them out at https://github.com/DV8FromTheWorld/JDA/

READ THE DOCS : https://rainestormee.github.io/jda-command/docs


https://github.com/Nekos-life/neko-bot-jda - Neko-Bot JDA (@IAmTails)

Command Example!

This is a command which echoes the input of the user if their sentence begins with the bot's prefix and echo, repeat or copy.

If the input was bot, echo hello! the output would be hello! (If the prefix was bot,)

import com.github.rainestormee.jdacommand.AbstractCommand;
import com.github.rainestormee.jdacommand.CommandAttribute;
import com.github.rainestormee.jdacommand.CommandDescription;
import net.dv8tion.jda.core.entities.Message;

        name = "echo",
        triggers = {"echo", "repeat", "copy"},
        description = "This command echoes what you say!",
        attributes = {@CommandAttribute(key = "args", value = "1")}
public class HelpCommand implements AbstractCommand<Message> {

    public void execute(Message message, String args) {

Use JDA-Command in your projects today!

The current promoted version is 1.1.3

<!--Dependency for JDA-Command-->
repositories {
    //Make sure this repository is last.
    maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

dependencies {
    //JDA-Command dependency
    compile 'com.github.rainestormee:JDA-Command:1.1.3'